Who are we?

We asked the same question of ourselves. Knowing who we are helps us to know what we are to do. We took some time to figure this out together as a church in January 2013. It was the result of an extended congregational conversation with God and each other which sought to discern God’s direction and purpose for us.

This page describes the core desires and commitments of our Christian community.

  • mission describes our identity and purpose.
  • vision describes the way we seek to be faithful to the mission. The mission statement is more fixed, certain, and long-lasting while the vision, rooted in the mission, is more flexible and adaptable as we journey along.
  • distinctives describe some of the fundamental perspectives that shape the way we live and understand our world. Combined these words, not only describe who we are, but orient us toward a life that we believe God is calling us into.


So what is a Christian to do? Can Christians shun all political and social efforts to affect the culture? Certainly, if our consciences convict us to do so and as long as our motivation is pure and not an effort to appear holier than those who do choose to be involved.

Pride is too often the by-product of completely withdrawing from the culture. We are to be in the world, but not of it, and part of being in the world is modeling Christ-likeness for the world and Christian love toward one another.